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What Should Be Considered When Choosing A Prosthesis?

Jul. 21, 2022

Prosthetic devices or prostheses can play an important role in rehabilitation. For many people, prosthetics can improve mobility and the ability to manage daily activities.


Prosthetic parts and types

There are a variety of prosthetic limbs designed to function - and in many cases look - like a natural arm, leg, hand or foot. Although there are many different designs, most share similar parts. These include


A socket that fits over the amputated stump

A socket into which the stump of the amputated limb fits

Suspensions to secure the prosthetic limb to the stump


Legs, hands or hooks

Coverings for cosmetic appearance


Sockets are often lined with foam or silicone to protect the stump. Special socks are also worn on the stump to ensure a proper fit and to improve comfort.

Prosthetic Leg

Prosthetic Leg

The following are some of the most common types of prostheses.

Lower legs and feet. Many prosthetic feet can be used to simulate the movement of a natural foot after a below-knee amputation. At least one of the available ankle prostheses is controlled by a microprocessor. It uses feedback from sensors to adjust joint motion, thereby improving walking efficiency and reducing the risk of falls.


Legs with knees. For above-knee amputations, the prosthesis has both a knee and an ankle joint. There are over 100 models of prosthetic ankle, foot and knee joints available. Some use fluid or hydraulic controls that allow the user to vary their walking speed. Others use computerized components that allow the user to make quick real-time adjustments as they walk.


Arms and hands. The oldest and most commonly used prostheses are operated by the body's own motion and a harness that spans the back and under the other arm in a figure-eight shape. Others use rechargeable batteries to run small motors in the prosthetic hand or hook. The battery improves grip strength.


Four Bar Pneumatic Knee Joint

Four Bar Pneumatic Knee Joint

Choosing and Using a Prosthetic Leg

Many factors are involved in choosing a prosthesis. They include


The location and level of the amputation

The condition of the remaining limb

Your activity level, especially with a prosthetic leg or foot

Your specific goals and needs


Depending on your comfort level and wound healing, you can start practicing with your prosthesis as early as a few weeks after surgery. A physical or occupational therapist will train you on how to use and care for it.


Prosthetic Limbs Low Ankle Carbon Fiber Foot

Prosthetic Limbs Low Ankle Carbon Fiber Foot

Prosthetic comfort and care

To get the most benefit from your new limb and to help prevent problems, it is important to take care of the device, the amputation site and your overall health by performing the following actions every day.


Remove the prosthesis at bedtime. Inspect the device for loose parts or damage. Check the stump for blisters or other signs of irritation.

Clean and apply a small amount of lotion to the stump and massage into the skin.

When you are not wearing the prosthesis, place a bandage on the stump to reduce swelling.

Check the skin of the stump regularly to look for sores or wounds. You may need someone to help you look in the mirror or use a mirror.

Practice the exercises recommended by your physical therapist. These will include stretching exercises, range of motion, body positioning and endurance exercises.


For leg prostheses, wear appropriate shoes and never change the height of your heel. The prosthesis is designed for one heel height only.

Clean the socket of the prosthesis with soap and water.

Wear clean, dry socks with the prosthesis.


It is also important to maintain a stable weight. This will help keep the prosthesis fitted properly. You should also check and repair your prosthesis once a year to make sure it is in proper working condition.

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